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UKAS ISO 9001 Accreditation

21.06.2019  |  

 Around twelve months ago Andrea Hodgson, our office manager led the project to change our ISO 9001 registration. Andrea successfully led the transition to being certified and audited by the British Assessment Bureau, a UKAS accredited body. This was a major change for our business, the re-accreditation took around three months and involved a significant amount of quality process reorganisation. The changeover was demanded by several of our customers who could not accept the earlier certification.

Part of the UKAS requirement is that the business is audited every 12 months and we have just received the following from the British Assessment Bureau:

"I am delighted to confirm that your registration has been approved for a certification period of 12-months.  A hard copy of the certificate will follow in the post. Please note that our certificates are issued on a 3 year cycle in line with the requirements of our regulator and are valid subject to annual assessments".
