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Terms and Conditions

30.09.2024  |  


1.  In these terms “client” shall mean the client whose name and details appear overleaf
  or as set out in the agreement attached.


2.01  The client shall be treated as a commercial or domestic client according to our reasonable discretion.

2.02  All quotations are given, and all orders are accepted on these terms. They supersede any other previously Issued terms
  and conditions and override and exclude any other terms stipulated or
  interpreted or referred to by the client. All orders/instructions given by the client shall be
  agreed by us and then deemed to be made subject to these terms.

2.03  The client acknowledges that there are no representations outside these terms which have induced them
  to enter the contract and these terms and those on the face of our quotation or work authorisation/quotation shall
  constitute the entire understanding of the performance of work (as defined in paragraph 4).

2.04  No modification of these terms shall be permitted unless made by an expressed written agreement
  between the parties. The signing by us of any of the client’s documentation shall not imply modifications
  of these terms.


  Quotations are subject to withdrawal unless accepted within 90 days from their date.


  The work to be performed (“The Work”) is specified in our quotation or as referred in our work
  authorisation/quotation and if at any time the client requirements alter then they should provide us with
  written details as soon as they become aware that their requirements have changed.


  The price payable by the client is specified in our quotation. or if none issued, at our standard charging rate. We reserve the right to increase the price
  before carrying out the work by an amount equivalent to any increase to us in the cost of relevant
  materials and or labour since the date of our quotation save that it this would increase the price by more than 10%,
  we will give the client the opportunity to cancel the contract.


  Subject to paragraph 5 the client may not cancel the contract without our consent which if given shall be
  on the express condition that the client shall indemnity us against all loss, damage claims or
  action arising out of such cancellation unless otherwise agreed in writing.


  Domestic Clients

  Invoices will be submitted to the client on completion of the work and payment should be made to us on
  completion or at our sole discretion may be made within 15 days of the date of invoice

  Commercial Clients

  All invoices will be submitted to the client on completion of the work and payment should be made to
  us on completion or at our sole discretion may be made within 30 days of the date of invoice

  Domestic and Commercial Clients

  Where a preventative maintenance agreement exists, the client will be invoiced on each major cleaning
  operation on a pro-rata basis unless stated otherwise in the contract agreement. Invoices remaining
  unpaid after 30 days from the invoice date will be subject to a finance charge, equal to 2% of the
  invoice value charged on a daily basis. Non account customers who fail to settle accounts on completion
  of the work are liable, (at the company’s discretion), to incur a finance charge equal to 2% of the gross
  invoice value, charged on a daily basis from the date the invoice was raised until full settlement is made.
  Returned cheques will be subject to a £10 processing charge and in addition we reserve the right to
  make an additional administration charge of £10.


8.01 Dates specified for the commencement and completion of the work are estimates only and shall not be
  the essence of the contract.


9.01 The client shall inspect the work as far as is reasonably possible immediately on completion of it and
  shall within 7 days provide written notice of any grounds on which they allege that the work
  is not in accordance with the contract. If the client fails to give such notice the work shall conclusively
  be presumed free from any defects which would be apparent on reasonable examination of the work.


  The client shall indemnity us against all action, suits, claims, demands, losses charges, costs, and
  expenses which we may suffer or incur in connection with the claim by any third party alleging
  facts which it established would result in a breach of client’s obligation, undertakings, representations
  and warranties under this agreement


  These terms set out our entire liability in respect of the work, and our liability under them shall be in
  lieu and to the exclusion of all other warranties, conditions, terms and liabilities expressed or implied
  statutory or otherwise in respect of the work and quality thereof (all liability in respect of which,
  howsoever arising is expressly excluded) except any which by law cannot be excluded save as provided
  in these terms and except as aforesaid we shall not be under any liability whether in contract or
  otherwise in respect of defects in the work or failure to correspond to specification or for any injury,
  damage or loss resulting from any such defects or failure or from carrying out of any work.


  Our liability (if any) whether in contract or otherwise in respect of any detects in the work or for any
  breach of this agreement of any duty of care or otherwise owed to the client in connection herewith, shall
  be limited to the invoice value of the work.


  Prior to the commencement of the work, the client shall inform us of any dangerous or hazardous
  materials which are present on the Premises where the work is to be
  carried out by us and which could constitute a danger to us in carrying out the work or otherwise.

  The client shall also ensure that we are in good time properly advised in writing of all precautions which
  need to be taken on account of the presence of such dangerous materials. The client shall provide
  suitable cleaning facilities and, if circumstances require, a qualified and competent safety advisor.
  The client shall also notify us in writing of any special requirements laid down by the Health & Safety
  Executive, their officers or similar authority. Traffic management will be agreed between us and the client.
  The client will be responsible for all loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequently due to client failure to fulfil any of the
  above obligations. If the client shall fail to comply with the above, we shall be under no obligation to
  carry out the work.


  The client shall provide clear access to all drains, sewers, inspection covers and manhole to enable us
  to carry out the work. The client shall provide, if possible, the plan showing drain layouts, if this is not
  available we reserve the right to render additional charges if blockages occur in drains not covered by
  the specification or if it is necessary to trace unidentified drains to complete the work. We will not
  work in drains or sewers outside of the curtilage of the client’s property without the prior approval of
  that landowner. We will not operate in public utility company equipment. The client shall indemnity us against all claims of whatsoever nature made
  by third parties and arising out of our presence on their property save where such claims result directly
  from negligence on our behalf. The client shall be liable to us for all loss or damage whether direct,
  indirect or consequently suffered by us because of failure or delay by the client in prolonging the
  obligations referred to above.


  Subject to clause 9 above we guarantee completed work for a period of 28 days from completion
  provided that this guarantee shall not apply to defects resulting from misuse or faulty workmanship
  by the client, its employees and subcontractors or any other third party working for or on the direction
  of the client. Our guarantee only applies to drains comprised in the work. We reserve the right not to
  carry out guaranteed work until we have been paid. We also reserve the right to withhold the guarantee
  should we feel that although clear, the drains require further work or have a possible fault.


  We will use our best endeavours to carry out the works on the agreed dates but shall not be under any
  liability to the client if it should be either impossible or impracticable to carry out the work on the agreed
  date or dates or by reason of strikes, lock out, industrial disputes, acts of God or any other event or
  occurrence beyond our control.


  The client shall be liable for all loss, damage or injury (whether direct, indirect or consequential)
  resulting from failure or delay in the performance of his obligations under these terms.


  The client undertakes at his own expense to provide such additional labour we may reasonably require
  to put us in a position to carry out the work. Such additional labour shall be suitably qualified and
  experienced to carry out the work as required by us. The client should also provide at our request such
  scaffolding, ladders or other equipment as may be necessary to reach access points.


  Unless otherwise agreed in writing the client will be responsible for the removal from site of deposits
  extracted by our operators from drainage, pipework or sewer systems.


  We will not be liable for any fractured or frozen pipes and cannot guarantee to clear blockages occurring
  in a frozen pipe or drain


  The client will make all necessary arrangements with the proper authorities for traffic controls and
  signals required in connection with the carrying out of the work. If these are not provided or adequate,
  the client shall be liable for any loss, damage resulting there from.


  The client will be responsible for providing all necessary power and a clean water supply from the mains
  or fire hydrant (our units are normally equipped with hydrant, stand-pipes and keys), if it should
  however be necessary for us to use a metered hydrant and supply controlled by the water authorities, all
  resulting charges made by that authority will be re-charged to the client.


  The client will accept responsibility for any damage that might be caused to trailer supplied equipment,
  tanker jetting units, vacuum units and CCTV & jetting vans should the work require them to operate away
  from tarmac or metalled roads. The client will also be responsible for equipment lost or
  damaged due to fractured pipes, drains or conduits.


  No waiver by us of any breach shall operate as a waiver or any preceding or subsequent breach. No
  variation shall be effective against us unless sanctioned in writing by us. No forbearance or delay on our
  part shall prejudice our rights.


  The working period will be under the control of the client and subject to any constraints demanded by para.13.

  Extensions to the working day may be required from time to time to complete a job.
  Cognisance must be given to working time directives should such extensions to the working day be made.
  Additional hours will be charged at the relevant premium rates. 


  Subject to paragraph 5 prices in fixed term or continuing agreements will be held for the length
  of the agreement after which time the price will be reviewed or will renew at our standard rates as
  varied from time to time.