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Why is my rainwater soakaway overflowing?

19.07.2024  |  

Key Takeaways

  • Regularly inspect your rainwater soakaway to prevent overflowing issues.

  • Clear debris and blockages from the soakaway to ensure proper drainage.

  • In case of overflow, act promptly by redirecting water flow and assessing the blockage.

  • Utilise simple tools like drain rods and a shovel to unblock the soakaway effectively.

  • Consider professional assistance for complex blockages or extensive damage.

  • Implement preventative measures such as installing a leaf guard to maintain soakaway functionality.

Understanding Rainwater Soakaways


Rainwater soakaways are designed to manage storm water by providing an underground storage area for rainwater to drain away effectively.

Rainwater soakaways play a crucial role in preventing surface water flooding by allowing rainwater to gradually percolate into the ground, reducing the risk of overwhelming surface water drainage systems.

Installation and Regulations

Proper installation of rainwater soakaways is essential to ensure efficient drainage. Adherence to building regulations is crucial to prevent issues like overflowing soakaways, which can lead to water build-up and potential flooding.

It is vital to consult with local authorities or drainage experts to ensure compliance with regulations when installing rainwater soakaways. Failure to do so can result in ineffective drainage and costly repairs.

Construction Materials

Common materials used in constructing rainwater soakaways include clean stone and soakaway crates. Clean stone allows for natural percolation of water into the ground, while soakaway crates provide a structured underground storage system for rainwater.

Using quality materials ensures the longevity and effectiveness of rainwater soakaways in managing storm water runoff and maintaining proper surface water drainage.

Common Causes of Overflowing

Debris Blockages

Blockages caused by debris, silt, or stone are common culprits leading to drain overflows and excess water spilling from rainwater soakaways. When these materials accumulate in the soakaway system, they hinder proper water drainage, resulting in minor flooding and dirty puddles around the property.

Improper Installation

Improper installation or positioning of the soakaway relative to the property can also contribute to overflowing issues. If the soakaway is not designed or placed correctly, it may struggle to handle the considerable drainage problems during heavy rainfall. This can lead to floods and puddles, creating a nuisance for homeowners.

Capacity Exceeded by Heavy Rainfall

During intense rain events, where heavy rainfall surpasses the soakaway's capacity, overflow becomes inevitable. The excess rainwater, unable to drain efficiently due to the limited space in the system, causes flooding and excess surface water accumulation. This overflow scenario can result in damage to the property and surrounding areas.

Identifying Signs of a Blocked Soakaway

Pooling Water

  • Pooling water around the soakaway area is a clear indicator of potential blockages.

  • After rainfall, if you notice waterlogging around the soakaway, it might signal a problem.

Wet Walls

  • Wet walls inside the property can be a sign of issues with stormwater drainage systems.

  • If you observe dampness or watermarks on interior walls, it could point to a soakaway overflowing.

Unusual Odours

  • Unusual odours emanating from the drains could indicate a blockage in the septic tank soakaways.

  • Sewage backup or foul smells in the vicinity of the soakaway are red flags for underlying issues.

Immediate Steps to Take When Overflow Occurs

Assessing Overflow Situation

Upon noticing rainwater soakaway overflowing, start by assessing the situation. Look for signs of flooding or water pooling around the soakaway area. Check for any potential hazards like electrical outlets nearby.

To determine the extent of the overflow, observe the water level and flow rate. If the water is spreading rapidly or reaching critical levels, immediate action is necessary to prevent further damage.

Diverting Water Away

Diverting water away from the affected area is crucial to mitigate overflow consequences. Use sandbags or barriers to redirect the flow towards a safer location. Avoid blocking drainage systems or causing additional flooding elsewhere.

Consider creating temporary channels or trenches to guide excess water away from buildings or sensitive areas. This proactive measure can help reduce the risk of structural damage and water infiltration.

Monitoring Post-Incident

After addressing the immediate overflow issue, monitor the soakaway for any changes in water levels and drainage patterns. Regularly check for clogs or blockages that could lead to future overflows.

Observe how quickly the water drains away after diverting the flow. Any lingering puddles or slow drainage could indicate underlying issues with the soakaway system that require attention.

How to Unblock a Soakaway

Inspecting Level

Inspect the soakaway for visible blockages and debris by checking the level of water in the system. Look for any signs of standing water or slow drainage, indicating a potential blockage. Ensure that the soakaway is not overwhelmed by excess rainwater, causing it to overflow.

High-Pressure Water Jetting

Utilize high-pressure water jetting to clear stubborn blockages effectively. This method involves using a powerful stream of water to dislodge and flush out any debris or obstructions within the soakaway system. It helps to restore proper water flow and prevent further overflow issues.

Checking Inlet Pipe

Examine the inlet pipe and its surroundings for any additional issues contributing to the overflow. Check for blockages, such as leaves, dirt, or roots obstructing the flow of water into the soakaway. Addressing these issues can help alleviate pressure on the system and reduce the likelihood of overflow.

Tools and Equipment Needed

Essential Tools

When dealing with rainwater soakaway overflowing, it is crucial to have a few essential tools on hand. These include a shovel for digging, gloves for protection, and safety goggles to shield your eyes during manual clearing tasks.

Specific Equipment

For more effective blockage removal in the underground pipe, consider using specialized equipment such as high-pressure water jetters or drain rods. These tools can help clear debris and obstructions efficiently.

Importance of Inspection Tools

To assess the condition of the soakaway accurately, having a camera or an inspection tool is essential. This equipment allows you to identify any issues within the system, such as blockages or damage, ensuring proper maintenance and functioning.

Professional Help vs DIY Solutions

Benefits of Professional Drainage Experts

Professional drainage experts bring specialised skills and experience to tackle complex blockages efficiently. Their knowledge ensures accurate diagnosis of the issue and appropriate solutions. Hiring a professional installation service guarantees a high-quality outcome.

When to Consider DIY Methods

For minor blockages or routine maintenance tasks, DIY solutions can be cost-effective. Simple issues like debris clogs can often be resolved independently without the need for professional intervention. Routine maintenance such as clearing gutters can be easily managed with basic tools.

Cost Implications and Time Factors

Hiring a professional drainage expert may incur higher costs, but it ensures long-term durability and reliability of the system. On the other hand, DIY solutions can save money for minor issues but may lack the expertise required for comprehensive repairs. Consider both the financial implications and time constraints before deciding on the approach.

Preventative Measures for Soakaways

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections by local drainage engineers are crucial to detect any issues in the soakaway system promptly. These inspections help identify foul soakaway blockages, damage to soakaway pipes, or waterlogged ground around the area. By addressing these problems early on, costly repairs can be avoided.

Encouraging homeowners to schedule annual inspections can prevent silt build-up and ensure the proper functioning of the drainage scheme. It's essential to have professionals assess the condition of the soakaway crates and overall drainage systems to maintain effective surface drainage.

Landscaping Techniques

Implementing appropriate landscaping techniques can aid in directing water away from the soakaway. Techniques such as creating gentle slopes away from the property or installing simple drainage systems like French drains can prevent excess water from pooling near the septic tank or sewage treatment plant.

By maintaining a clear path for water flow, homeowners reduce the risk of flooding and protect their property from potential damage caused by overflowing soakaways. Proper landscaping not only promotes efficient drainage but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the outdoor space.

Installation of Filters

Installing filters or grates at key entry points helps prevent debris from entering the soakaway system. These filters act as barriers, trapping leaves, twigs, and other debris that could clog the pipes and obstruct the free water drainage process.

Best Practises for Maintenance

Clear Surrounding Area

Regularly clear debris and vegetation around the soakaway to prevent blockages and overflowing. Debris can impede water flow, leading to inefficient drainage.

Scheduled Cleaning and Inspection

Establish a routine schedule for cleaning and inspecting the soakaway and pipes. This helps identify issues early on, preventing costly repairs.

Compliance with Regulations

Ensure compliance with local building regulations and best practises for soakaway maintenance. Adhering to regulations ensures the longevity of the system.


You now have a comprehensive understanding of rainwater soakaways, the causes of overflowing, signs of blockage, immediate actions to take, unblocking methods, necessary tools, professional vs DIY solutions, preventative measures, and maintenance best practices. By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage your soakaway system and prevent overflow issues. Remember to regularly inspect and maintain your soakaway to ensure proper functioning and avoid costly repairs. Your proactive approach will not only save you money in the long run but also contribute to environmental conservation by managing rainwater efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary causes of rainwater soakaway overflowing?

Rainwater soakaway overflowing can be caused by blockages from debris, silt, or roots, inadequate soakaway size, heavy rainfall exceeding capacity, or poor maintenance.

How can I identify signs of a blocked soakaway?

Look out for water pooling near the soakaway, gurgling sounds from drains, foul odours, slow drainage, or damp patches around the property.

What immediate steps should I take when my rainwater soakaway overflows?

If your rainwater soakaway overflows, divert water away from the property, clear any visible blockages, and avoid using appliances that drain into the soakaway until the issue is resolved.

What tools and equipment do I need to unblock a soakaway?

You may require a drain rod set, high-pressure jet washer, shovel, protective gear like gloves and goggles, and possibly a wet vacuum depending on the severity of the blockage.

When should I consider professional help instead of DIY solutions for a blocked rainwater soakaway?

Opt for professional help if you encounter persistent issues despite DIY attempts, lack the necessary tools or expertise, or suspect significant damage to underground pipes requiring specialist intervention.